Monday, October 22, 2007

Weekend Drama

The terror tree (pictured) punctured our roof and penetrated everything (shingle, 2 layers of plywood) except drywall! But, if it rained then it would of caused our ceiling to collapse. Luckily, we had a roofer come out and patch it up with a metal patch and reshingle. So that has been taken care of. Thank goodness it didn't rain this weekend! WHEW!

The gutter is mangled and unfortunately, is one big long piece, so we are going to have to get quotes on that. Apparently gutter-men don't work on weekends.

We had 3 quotes for tree removals. They were $2500, $2100 and $950. Why the big difference? One tree guy showed up 2 hours late and ended up coming at the same time as another tree quote guy. I think it was competition. Insurance will only cover $500 for a single tree removal, so looks like this is going to be fun for us, since we've decided to pay it out of pocket. At least once we get the tree removed, we won't have to worry about that again.

Other than that, pretty uneventful weekend. Blake had bookoo's of homework and I went to a bachelorette party in Murfreesboro. We cleared out the back some more and straighten up some privets that were damaged during the storm.

I'm still getting around to the after pictures. SORRY!

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