Our lil princess is sometimes hard to figure out. Here's some things we've discovered over the past 9 weeks.
Deciphering Rose:
The classic yawn. Miss Rose uses this pose to show she's tired or bored.
Concentration. When Rose is trying to study something, her lips get really tight.
The Air Jordan or the Whitaker Slam Dunk Tongue. When Rose is looking around, she likes to stick out her tongue. I believe I will be seeing this tongue a lot during the teenage years.
The "What the Hell?" look. I get this look a lot when I do something funny or crazy that she's not too sure about. She gives me this borderline petrified / you are a crazy woman face, but I usually get a smile afterwards.
The "I'm warning you, I'm not very happy" face. This lets everyone around know that Rose means business - and that it's about to get ugly if you cannot please her instantly. You can see in the video that she starts out pretty mild, giving a fair warning. She quickly turns to real mad, swinging her arms and kicking her feet in protest. If there's truly nothing wrong, she will stop for a minute and see whose watching her drama - then will begin again if there's an active audience (not sure who she gets that from). Notice the UFO on the right side of the screen that jiggles when kicked - I believe that's my thigh but I'm in denial - sorry in advance.
"I'm so hungry, I have to knawl my fingers off" face is so awesome. She'll give you about 30 seconds to make and serve up her bottle - if you are not quick enough (who can get a bottle ready in 30 seconds), she immediately goes into "starvation" mode, which consists of screaming, kicking and putting her hands in her mouth. I think it's kinda cute - she is a drama queen (again not sure where she gets that from).
Here's the "content and satisfied" look. She has received her bottle and is in a happy place. This is also the "bonding" moment that people describe that you get during breastfeeding that I never experienced. HA! We get it from bottlefeeding :)
Then there's the "I'm happy" face. We get this a lot when we change her diaper, talk or sing to her. She is very talkative and will be very responsive to conversations with "oohs" and "aahs". She loves to be the center of attention and to carry on conversations. This is by far my favorite expression from her and makes parenting fun.