Rose also loves my spice rack. Here she is hoarding the spice rack underneath the desk.
Rose fell asleep on the couch for the first time. Taylor thought she'd join.
Rose's new thing is to watch movies and drink her sippys while cuddled in the laundry basket. She will stay in there. I think she does it because she thinks she can avoid going to bed, but she's wrong.
Going through her treasures. Then, eating them. Man, she was mad when I took her candy away.
The first trick or treating house. Rose wasn't scared at all. She was fascinated by the witch costume.
Family picture before trick or treating.
Rose as a flower.
Rose bowling at a kids halloween party. She LOVES balls!
Our Little Ladybug
Taking pictures with Julian. Rose is a ladybug, Julian is a monkey.
Rose loves drinking out of her big girl cup. She squeals with delight when she sees me heading to the cabinet.
Picking pumpkins with Pa.
Rose picking mums.
Going through the maze with Daddy.
Grandma (PMa) and Mom (Jama) at Walden Farms.